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Family Perspectives

There is plenty of scientific information online.

Let us tell you about ADSLD from our perspective.

ADSLD at a Glance

A person with ADSLD is deficient in the enzyme ADSL, which is part of a complex process that converts the foods we eat into usable building blocks of DNA and RNA called nucleosides. It also plays a role in other metabolic processes. Not only does this force the body to work harder to make these crucial nucleosides, but a by-product of the dysfunction of the enzyme is a toxin called SAICAr. Current research shows that the ratio of SAICAr levels to another compound called S-Ado correlates to the severity of observable symptoms (also referred to as a phenotype). There is still a lot to learn about how this disorder works, and how it may be treated or cured in the future. Estimated prevalence globally is 1 in 1,240,710 (source)

a red abstract sculpture

Common Symptoms

  • Psychomotor Delay - this affects how the brain and body work together to move

  • Low, High, or Mixed Muscle Tone  - similar symptoms are found in people with cerebral palsy

  • Microcephaly - small head

  • Epilepsy - Seizures that are often hard to treat with medications

  • Autistic Behaviors - 'Stimming', repetitive movements, lack of eye contact

  • Cortical Visual Impairment - The eye itself functions, but communication with the brain is impaired

  • Speech Delay or No Speech

  • Muscle Wasting - Progressive loss of muscle tissue

  • Difficulty Feeding - Some children require a G-Tube

  • Limited Life Span - Life span is variable. The oldest known case is in their 60's. 

a white abstract sculpture

Types of ADSLD

  • Type 1 (Severe) - Symptoms begin from birth or in the first few months of life and are more severe. CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment) is more common in this type. Coma Vigil (or a vegetative state) can occur.

  • Type 2 (Mild to Moderate) - Symptoms begin in the first years of life and are more mild. Epilepsy may not be present or may appear later. Some speech may be present.

  • Fatal Neo-Natal  - Encephalopathy (brain dysfunction) causes respiratory failure and intractable seizures in infancy leading to death

a green abstract sculpture


Your doctor will tell you there is no treatment and the best you can do is manage symptoms as they arise. While this is true, a team of passionate parents are working on a potential drug treatment that was found through a drug repurposing screening lab called Perlara. Click the button below to read the Substack Article about Phase 1 of our journey with Perlara.

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